Monday, November 12, 2012

Diwali to Dilwali...

In simple words, just like we give a 'diwali' to people during the festival, similarly, putting in a little heart to give some people the real joy of diwali would be so much nicer, wouldn't it?

Couples making out, children stretching their bodies out to be more flexible, some walking and jogging but there in the corner you see an old lady feeding stray dogs. All this happening at a park. Where does your attention go to? It will go towards the couple making out, won't it?

That's not the point. Point is, get some biscuits and feed it to dogs. Get some seeds and feed it to pigeons. Get some of your old clothes and give it away to the needy or leave some sugar for the perpetually hungry ants. Its the festive spirit. Be it Christmas or Holi or Diwali, keep doing your bit. You don't have to be philanthropist, you just have to believe in the real meaning of the festival. 

So become a Dilwali or Dilawala this Diwali.

Happy Diwali Everyone :D 

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